You deserve to spend less time worrying and thinking about food

Heal your relationship with food and your body through weight-inclusive nutrition counseling.

My Journey to Intuitive Eating

From a young age, I was captivated by the interplay of food, science, and the desire to help others.

My first encounter with dietetics during a ninth-grade class instantly resonated with me, combining all my interests into one promising career path.

However, my relationship with food and dieting was complicated.

Like many, my journey into dietetics began with personal struggles. I ventured into my first diet at the age of sixteen, driven by societal praise and a lack of understanding about my body’s natural changes. This period of restriction led to significant weight loss but also brought misery, obsession, and exhaustion—both physical and emotional.

It was a cycle of weight loss and regain, rooted deeply in diet culture, that I now know so many experience.

Hi, I'm Shay

My Philosophy

You are the expert of your body.

My role is to listen, understand, and empower you to foster a healthy relationship with food through a mix of medical nutrition therapy and the principles of Intuitive Eating.

Together, we’ll explore what it means to eat intuitively and live freely, without the weight of dietary restrictions clouding your mind or body.

Let’s redefine what health means for you, on your terms.

shay tinari dietitian nutritionist pa

My Mission

My mission is to help folks recover from disordered eating and eating disorders to live a nourished and confident life with food and themselves.

Get to know me

The reality of life is that it is hard at times, your path will ebb and flow and you will experience ups and downs. We will all go through some form of suffering - that is the shared human experience.

Taking care of yourself, including nourishing your body, doesn't have to add another layer of suffering.

Despite what diet culture says or what you may read or see on social media, nutrition does not have to be complicated. There is a way to nourish your mind and body without food rules and food guilt where you can just eat and move on with your day while also prioritizing your health and wellbeing.

Yes, food is fuel for our minds and bodies, and it also can bring a sense of joy, pleasure, celebration, and connection! You are so deserving of a life filled with all of the things that are important to you.

Let me help you re-define how nutrition plays a role in your life through a weight inclusive and intuitive eating lens.

Facts that really are fun

fact #1

I went through a challenging health journey in 2021-2022 - now on the other side of it (at least for now) I have found a deepened love, passion, and appreciation for traveling and exploring the world.

fact #2

When I am not working, you can find me snuggled up with my heating pad, a blanket, my dogs, and a psychological thriller book.

What my clients are saying

Working with Shay has changed my life in such an incredible way.

I learned so much and I know that I will never go back into the toxicity that is diet culture. I didn't realize all of the stress, anxiety, and negative impact diet culture had on my life until I started working with Shay and now I feel so much lighter.

It's so freeing to get out of that diet mentality and I want everyone to feel this way.

I cannot recommend Shay enough!! While working with Shay, I also saw my bloodwork improve, even though I had gained weight, and proved my doctors wrong.

You won't regret it, and it might be one of the best things you ever do.
After 30 years of unhealthy eating habits, it was time to consult with a professional.

Since working with Shay, I have more energy, sleep better and feel better about myself. I learned how to understand the food I eat and how my body works with food. She's been a wonderful source of nutritional information, while showing me how to use my own body and mind to nourish myself.

Shay, thank you for teaching me this most important skill. I will be forever grateful to you!!!"
​Working with Shay has been such a positive experience!

As a person who has struggled with body image and my relationship with food, Shay has helped me embrace Intuitive Eating and get rid of a diet mentality.

Her passion for what she does shows and makes me look forward to my sessions with her so I can share my "wins", knowing she'll be genuinely happy for me.
I came to Shay because I was struggling to navigate maintaining my blood sugar without slipping back into disordered eating.

I chose her because she seemed so kind and understanding in her response email, and she follows a body positive, Health at Every Size method, which is important to me.

Shay has been so crucial in helping me manage my guilt around food and sugar, and especially to stop thinking in terms of "good" vs. "bad" foods.

I highly recommend Shay for her understanding and accessible approach.
former client
If you’re wondering whether you should reach out and start working with Shay, you probably should.

Before I started working with her, I had read all I could about intuitive eating but struggled for a while with putting it into practice.

The way she helped me practice self compassion along with instilling a sense of freedom around food has changed my life for the better forever and I am very grateful.
former client
Before working with Shay I was jumping from diet to diet, frustrated that I was never getting the full results I was looking for or just not being able to sustain "the results."

Shay took the time to really learn about me and held space each and every session I had for me to unpack all the feelings I had around food, exercise, and my body. If you are hesitant to start your own intuitive eating journey, I promise Shay is the one you want to start this journey with as she will be the best cheerleader and coach for what you need.
former client

My fancy credentials

  • MS, RD, LDN

  • B.S. in Nutritional Sciences from Penn State University

  • M.S. in Dietetics from the University of Rhode Island

  • Dietetic Internship at Sodexo, Philadelphia location, with a Diabetes concentration (which includes 1,200 supervised hours in a clinical rotation, food service rotation, diabetes rotation, and community rotation)

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Reach out today & get started